Richard Neyroud (born in Annecy, 1986) is an Independant Curator, with a Master’s degree in Contemporary art history from Université libre of Brussels & a degree in art history from Rennes 2 University. From 2011 to 2013, he was a Project Assistant at CAC Château des Adhémar—Contemporary art center in Montélimar, France. From 2014, he is a member of the CRAC Alsace team, Centre rhénan d’art contemporain, in Altkirch: for nine years, as Head of Art Education & Communication; from 2023, as Head of Exhibitions:
In 2023, he founded Mulhouse-les-Flots, a new off space curated with Anna Byskov:
In 2010, he co-founded [or nothing], curatorial platform, today based between Basel, Brussels & Mulhouse, and with the participation of artists & curators Louise Bernatowiez, Martin Chramosta & Michela Sacchetto:
He is a member of Plan d’Est—Pôle arts visuels Grand Est and c-e-a, association française des commissaires d’exposition.