Splendore — joie, joie, joie...
Booklet, scratch cards & bread bags for the group exhibition Splendore — joie, joie, joie..., graphic design by Jean Laniau; link
April 2024
Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, France
Images by Aurélien Mole
Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, France
Images by Aurélien Mole

Artists book with the contributions of Io Burgard, Guillaume Greff, Fanny Maugey, Quentin Bob Mercier, Géraldine Py & Roberto Verde, Marta Van Tartwijk; edited in the context of Summer School des 5 lacs; designed by Marie Lécrivain; conceived with La Niche (Sylvain Baumann) & WIR collective (with Marie Lécrivain & Jean-François Caro); link

De dos je regarde ma bibliothèque
Artist book by Anna Byskov; co-edited with La Houle; designed by Marie Lécrivain, in collaboration with Jean-François Caro; booklaunch at Le Sceptre with live performances in dialogue with Louise Bernatowiez & Yvan Etienne; link
June 2021
Éditions La Houle, Nancy & Brussels, France-Belgium
Images at Le Sceptre, Brussels
Éditions La Houle, Nancy & Brussels, France-Belgium
Images at Le Sceptre, Brussels
I Killed the Butterfly in my Ear
Text about the exhibition ‘I Killed the Butterfly in my Ear‘ by Minia Biabiany at MAGASIN des Horizons (Grenoble); written with Louise Bernatowiez; La belle revue; publication online; link